Channel: Junkitlove » Pondering’s and heart stuff
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What will people think?!


Dya know, years ago I really really reeeeeally wanted to make a sofa out of an old claw footed bath.

I had it all planned out in my head, how I was gonna do it, what it was gonna look like. It was god damn sumptuous I tell ya!! It was going to be a piece of functional art in my home. A way of creating beauty from a bit of old rubbish no body wanted any more.Image

Then I told people about my plan. I was so excited I couldn’t wait to share my vision of splendid beauty with anyone who’d listen. Cos, ya know, that’s what you do when you have an idea that lights a fire in yer belly.

Aaaanyway, the upshot of telling people about my stunning and innovative design vision was that my dear old mum, who I loved dearly and respected a lot, laughed at me. She thought it was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard! It would be cold, hard, I’d stub my toe ( I’m always stubbing my feckin’ toes). How on earth was I going to cut the metal. It would be too expensive.

On and on the reasons not to came at me until I faltered in my vision. I got lost in the reasons not to and the picture of my beautiful sofa evaporated from my mind. I allowed someone else’s doubts to cloud my glee.

Why am I telling you this you may ask? Well the thing is, if you want to do something, anything and there are people who are clouding your idea with their own thoughts and concerns, it’s good to listen. But not always good to follow blindly what others feel. I still want to make that sofa , I don’t care if I stub my bloody toe, they’re my toes and I’ll decide what happens to the buggers!

I’m moving to Portsmouth in a few months to a new home with Wend (wife) and the snots (kids) and  I’m gonna make me one of those bath tub sofas for the secret garden I plan on making.


Sometimes people, only with good intention can shatter your dreams and desires because they worry for you, they’re concerned that it won’t work out, or the thing you want won’t turn out as well as you hope. But unless you give it a go how are you ever gonna know?

Have you stopped yourself from doing something fabulous? Why? What’s stopping you?

Did you follow your dream no matter what the outside influences? How did that work out? Tell me summat amazing you’ve done!


Ya know what else? I know if my mum had seen one already made she would have fallen in love with it :-)

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